Prospect is a suite of instruments that will drill up to at least 1 meter depth beneath the lunar surface, extract samples, ...
The composites exhibited excellent thermal stability, with changes in complex permittivity and permeability remaining less ...
The device they created is based on strontium titanate and potassium tantalate, two materials that display quantum paraelectric properties and a large field-tunable permittivity at low temperatures.
Electromagnetic wave (EMW)-absorbing materials have attracted much attention recently due to the growing threat that electromagnetic pollution poses ...
The Moon has been a source of interest of late largely due to the focus on getting humans back to the Moon. Future human ...
Macor ceramics have a dielectric constant that is higher than other ceramics.
Abdellah, Marwan Eldeib, Ayman and Shaarawi, Amr 2012. Constructing a functional Fourier volume rendering pipeline on heterogeneous platforms. p. 77.
A material with negative dielectric permittivity does not support propagation of electromagnetic waves; instead the electromagnetic field decays inside the material within a certain skin depth and ...